Cheesy Vegan Spinach Dip



Summer has arrived. Along with summer comes the opportunity to indulge in finger foods, including raw cut veggies and salty chips with dips.

This vegan spinach dip is a blend of spinach, cashews and Texas sweet onions. The cheese flavor comes from the nutritional yeast and a host of other delectable flavorings, blended together to cheesy perfection.

Try it this week!


For the Spinach

  • 1/2 Texas sweet onion, peeled and chopped (you can substitute white or yellow onions)

  • 1 cup fresh spinach (well-washed, cut and packed)

  • 1 tsp avocado oil

For the Cheese

  • 3/4 cups of raw cashews (soaked for at least 2 hours, if possible)

  • 1/2 cup of hot water

  • 1/3 teaspoon of garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

  • A drizzle of lemon juice

  • 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast

  • A pinch of salt

  • 1 garlic clove, finely minced (optional)


  1. Sautée onion in avocado oil for 5 minutes on a low flame

  2. Add spinach and sautée several minutes until soft

  3. Once the spinach is soft, remove from the flame

  4. Combine the cheese ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy

  5. Pour the cheese on the spinach and onion, mix well and serve

The dip goes very well with Mary’s Gone Crackers Superseed Crackers (pictured) or Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers. It also tastes great with tortilla chips.