Seasonality: Pumpkins, Winter Squash and Persimmons


Seasonality is one of the great joys of nature. With the change in seasons from summer to fall comes a panoply of new fruits and vegetables.⁠

Just when you've gotten tired of summer squash, tomatoes, asparagus, watermelons, cantaloupe, stone fruits and berries, along comes a whole new batch of fruits and veggies.⁠

Winter Vegetables and Fruits

Fall and winter vegetables are so beautiful and satisfying. These include:⁠

  • Warming root vegetables like carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, turnips, kohlrabi and jicama⁠

  • Hearty winter squash like pumpkins, kabocha, kuri and butternut⁠

  • Flavor-popping fruits like persimmons, pomegranate, grapefruits and cranberries⁠

Persimmons: Dehydrate Into Chips

In my household, we are crazy for persimmons this time of year. The sliced fruit in the foreground of the above photo is a chocolate fuyu persimmon, with a hachiya to the right. The one behind the chocolate fuyu is a regular fuyu, which has a hard, crunchy texture similar to an apple.⁠

One way to make a delicious snack for the kids is to dehydrate persimmons into persimmon chips. (If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can dry them on the lowest setting in the oven.)

Winter Squash: Make A Delicious Soup

We also can't get enough of the winter squashes, like sugar baby pumpkin, red kuri and kabocha.⁠ In fact, one of our favorite recipes is sugar baby pumpkin soup. This is a terrific dish for Thanksgiving and goes well with a homemade pumpkin spice.

What new fruits and veggies are you enjoying this season?⁠